Contact us

We are ready to provide any consultations, government assistance and information about the conditions for receiving it, as well as answer all questions related to investment activities in the Navoi region.

contact page

Public-Private Partnership Office

08:00 From 18:00 to

Navoi city, Mahmud Tarobi street, "Hokimlik" building

+998 79 225 22 55

Office of Investment Promotion

08:00 From 18:00 to

Navoi city, Amir Temur street, 23

+998 79 225 22 55

Office of Analysis, Export and Local Content Development

08:00 From 18:00 to

Navoi city, Mahmud Tarobiy street, 52

+998 79 225 22 55
Stay in touch:
© 2023 Department of Investments, Industry and Trade of Navoi region