Uchkuduk district

The region's economy is based on mining, production of building materials and animal husbandry.

Uchkuduk district


0.0thousand km 2


0.0thous. people

Labor resource

0.0thous. people

Operating enterprises


Uchkuduk district
Uchkuduk district

Gas supply

99.3 %
Uchkuduk district

Water supply

78.1 %
Uchkuduk district

Electricity supply

100 %

Communal payments

Uchkuduk district

Gas price

5499 soum
Uchkuduk district

Water price

3222 soum
Uchkuduk district

Electricity price

1000 soum



Large industrial company


Joint ventures


Small businesses


Established enterprises


Animal husbandry

Favourable conditions for developing animal husbandry are the presence of vast pastures.


Organization of production of building materials. The possibility of creating enterprises for the processing of mineral raw materials.

Metallurgical industry

The presence of many mineral deposits - gold, silver kaolin, ferrosilicon, tiles, turquoise, natural finishing stones, raw bricks and mineral salts.

Textile industry

Opportunities for creating enterprises in the leather industry Opportunities for developing the light industry (knitwear, gauze, dyeing and clothing production).

City information

Bafoev Farrux Jo’raqulovich

Deputy mayor of Uchkuduk region, head of investment and foreign trade department of Uchkuduk region

99 036 99 99

City passport

City passport.docx200 KB

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© 2023 Department of Investments, Industry and Trade of Navoi region